Category: Sober living

  • Blackout Memories: How To Remember Blackout Drunk Episodes

    According to Atkinson, previous studies have shown that high levels of alcohol consumption can interfere with this process. Recent neuroimaging studies have revealed that chronic alcoholism can damage the cerebellum, which plays an important role in regulating motor control, attention and language. It can also cause the prefrontal cortex to shrink and degrade, potentially impairing…

  • Understanding the Link Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

    In contrast, in a more recent vignette study among clinicians, most clinicians preferred simultaneous SUD and PTSD treatment, because they believe that PTSD complaints maintain the SUD. However, most clinicians indicated that at their own workplace they found it difficult to implement simultaneous treatment due to a limited amount of inpatient facilities as well as…

  • Should California be able to require sobriety in homeless housing?

    Emotional healing is a critical part of recovery, and a longer stay in sober living provides more time for individuals to work through emotional scars and grow emotionally. While a sober living house doesn’t offer individual or group counseling, it offers structure and support to help you maintain your sobriety. Top 5 Advantages of Staying…