What is Reddit? The Ultimate Quickstart Guide for 2023

It’s one of the best and most interesting places on the internet. Some are more strict than others, but any moderator will quickly ban you if you don’t follow the rules on a regular basis. Any time someone votes negatively to one of your post, you lose points on your global karma.

Unlike other social media platforms where content visibility is often determined by algorithms, Reddit employs a democratic approach. Yes, beyond the logical etiquette, each subreddit has its own rules that you should read and abide by when posting or commenting. Some subreddits — like r/pics — may only accept image submissions and no external links, for example. Others will require you to be more descriptive in your posts, like r/science. It’s always a good idea to read a subreddits rules before you make a submission.

  1. Ultimately, the safety of your Reddit experience is also in your hands.
  2. However, a shadowbanned users profile will display an error page.
  3. Registered members can contribute to the site with content such as images, text, videos, and links.
  4. Essentially, it’s a massive collection of forums where people can share news and content or comment on other people’s posts.
  5. An upvote is equivalent to a “like” on platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

It’s an entire community of people posting pictures and videos of – you guessed it – cats standing up. Reddit has become an important source of breaking news on the Internet. Huffman and Ohanian met when they were assigned college roommates at the University of Virginia, where Huffman studied computer science and Ohanian studied history and business. During their senior year of college, they came up with an idea for a service that would allow customers to place orders at restaurants via text message before arriving. This was before the mass proliferation of smartphones and mobile applications, and Graham was skeptical about the idea.

Be mindful of your language and where you post (some subreddits are unfriendly to off-topic posts). Reddit has become a popular hub for many topics, both good, bad, and niche. And the community has also taken steps to make the site more inclusive by eliminating explicit content from its public homepage.

Designed as a way for people to share information, Reddit has grown dramatically over the years. Once you’re fully-versed in Reddit’s delights, you will A) never watch the news again, B) rarely visit actual news sites, https://www.forexbox.info/forex-crunch-wins-best-fundamental-analysis-report/ and C) develop a host of new hobbies and interests. Well, bullying, insults, personal attacks, illegal activities, trolling, and posting someone’s personal information on Reddit will all get you shadowbanned.

Before you share something, make sure you use the Reddit search feature to check that you’re not reposting something that’s already been shared – Redditors frown upon this. Reddit combines web content, social news, a forum, and a social network into one giant beast of a platform. Registered members can contribute to the site with content such as images, text, videos, and links. All content on the site can be voted up or down by other members. Reddit gives users the ability to create private forums and to message each other directly.

The point of Reddit is not to accumulate karma points but to learn, have fun, waste time or add to the conversation in a constructive or funny way. There are many specialized discussion boards on the internet, but if you are looking for a one-stop-shop then it’s hard to look beyond Reddit. The site offers news, debate, answers, and entertainment across just about every subject you can imagine.

Social listening

Reddit consists of millions of individual forums called “subreddits,” which are mostly user-created and organized by topic of discussion. Subreddits all begin with “r/”—the URL structure that Reddit uses to denote them. The platform is organized into different communities called subreddits, where users can join and participate in specific topic-based discussions. Users can upvote or downvote posts and comments, which determines their visibility and popularity within a subreddit. Subreddits are managed by volunteer moderators who set and enforce rules for posting. Users, known as “Redditors,” can join a forum to participate in posting and commenting on others’ posts.

This led to the creation of many subreddits that centered on or spread hate speech, violence, child pornography, and other transgressive content. There have been numerous controversies over the years about individual https://www.day-trading.info/valbury-capital-review-2020/ subreddits and their influence over events, such as the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack and the 2021 “meme stock” controversy, which began as a subreddit and sparked a sizable disruption in the financial markets.

While Reddit does take steps to ensure user safety, the platform is not without its risks. ” is nuanced, requiring users to exercise caution and make informed choices while navigating the platform. Reddit serves as an ecosystem where information and entertainment coexist. Whether you’re looking to catch up on current events, seek advice, or simply enjoy some memes, Reddit offers a multifaceted experience. Arguments are common, especially in places like r/Politics, but that’s kind of to be expected – people love arguing about politics. I’ve been using it daily since about 2016 and I’ve never once encountered anybody that I would call a douchebag.

In fact, Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the internet and people spend an average of 15 minutes a day reading posts and commenting (the site has over 9 billion monthly page views). If you’re just looking at Reddit for the first time, you may be a bit confused by what you are seeing, so here’s a quick rundown. The homepage (or “front page”) shows you various posts that are currently trending on the site, pulled from a variety of subreddits.

Is Reddit worth it?

While it allows for open discussions without the fear of social repercussions, it also opens the door for harassment, doxxing, and other forms of online abuse. The shadowbanned user’s posts and comments will continue to show up for them, but other people won’t see them. A social media website is commonly defined as a network platform that people use to share and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities. Reddit is a website that aggregates content from around the web and displays it using an up-voting system. Users can submit links to other websites, images, or text posts.

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Professionals across industries, from healthcare to technology, also frequent Reddit for insights and discussions relevant to their fields. However, the effectiveness of these mechanisms has been a subject of debate, especially given Reddit’s past controversies related to hate speech and misinformation. While the platform does have mechanisms in place for reporting and removing harmful content, the question of “Is Reddit safe?

ways businesses can use Reddit

Reddit has a front page in which certain submissions are featured, thanks to different algorithms. Not to mention get a ton of views hong kong dollar exchange rates — Carlos’ AMA above got over 4,500 comments. Learn more, including other tool recommendations, in our guide to social listening.






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